About USN

Beginning with creating opportunities and creating conditions, spaces, observatories and so on, USN as an interdisciplinary art project had by now culminated itself two installments as USN-I and USN-II. 

With the help of attractive visuals, creating spaces around installations, in the middle of nature and with the aid of other aesthetics’s tools and techniques and with pinch of politics of beauty it attempts an “effart”: arty effort to participate in carving of contemporary times.

An effart for participation in culture designing and defining social change through shifting between various forms of art to shifting amongst mediums of visual arts and flexible enough in transcending boundaries of art itself.

By keeping a check over our attitude to perceive beauty, indicating effectiveness of exchange of ideas and gain of inherent bliss in sharing while promoting community interactions, raising chances of public participation and seeking active and vital involvement of general masses to reshuffle our perceptions and reflexes with all other kinds: plants, insects, birds, animals, women and fellow man and trans genders and untouchables and ugly and so on.

May non-violence, faith and discipline be unmatched catalysts to this project